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French Anal Sex

Figure 1 depicts a high heterogeneity in the distribution of HPV genotypes in anal sample positive for HPV DNA, with HR-HPV type 33 (31.14% [19 of 61]) the predominant genotype. Along with the HPV-33, HPV-42 (27.8%), HPV-53 (24.6%), HPV-51 (19.7%), HPV-6 and HPV-70 (18.1%) were the 6 most detected genotypes in anal samples. HPV-16 and HPV-18 were detected with a prevalence of 16.4% and 9.8%, respectively. The other high-risk types included in the 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil-9; Merck) were detected at the following prevalence rates: HPV-52, 16.4%; HPV-58, 14.8%; HPV-45, 11.5%; and HPV-31, 9.8%. The HR-HPV types 68 (13.1%), 56 (11.5%), 35, 39 (9.8%), and 59 (3.3%) were also detected. Finally, several low-risk-HPV types were also detected.

french anal sex


Proportions of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes identified by molecular biology in 57 anal and 19 oral samples from young men who have sex with men taking preexposure prophylaxis and living in France. Low-risk (LR), high-risk (HR), and possibly oncogenic HPV genotypes are shown, and genotypes included in the 9-valent (Gardasil-9) vaccine are indicated by asterisks.

Proportion of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes, by patient age, in 57 anal (A) and 19 oral (B) samples positive for HPV DNA among 61 young men who have sex with men taking preexposure prophylaxis and living in France. Abbreviations: HR, high-risk; LR, low-risk.

Regarding the oral samples, 5 of the 61 MSM included in the study were not able to provide adequate oral rinse samples and were excluded from HPV analyses. One-third of MSM who provided (33.9% [19 of 56]) were positive for HPV DNA in their oral samples and a minority (7.1% [4 of 56]), had multiple HPV genotypes (Table 1). About one-fifth of MSM (19.6% [11 of 56]) had HR-HPV, and oral HPV infections were caused by multiple HR-HPV genotypes in 3 MSM (27.7%).

These findings demonstrate the unsuspected high burden of anal and oral HR-HPV that can be prevented by the 9-valent vaccine, substantiating the national recommendations of HPV prophylactic vaccination in young MSM in France [24]. Finally, anal carriage of HPV and HR-HPV was associated with frequent condomless receptive anal intercourse and a history of anal gonorrhea, indicating possible high-risk sexual behavior. These observations highlight that persistent risky sexual behavior is usual in HIV-uninfected MSM taking PrEP.

A high prevalence of anal HR-HPV (81.9%) was found in the current study. A similar prevalence (70.6%) was previously reported in a short series of 17 HIV-uninfected MSM not taking PrEP and living in Marseille, France [17]. Previous studies assessing the burden of anal HR-HPV in HIV-uninfected MSM worldwide reported prevalence rates ranging from 13.3% to 55.6% [25, 26]. High prevalence of anal HR-HPV detection, similar to those in our study, are mostly reported in HIV-infected MSM [16, 19], who constitute a high-risk population for anal HR-HPV [27, 28].

Concerning HPV genotype distribution, almost 70% of anal HPV and 100% of oral HPV genotypes were targeted by the prophylactic 9-valent HPV vaccine, which is the basis of the rationale for introducing primary prevention against anal and oral cancer in young HIV-uninfected MSM taking PrEP, by using prophylactic vaccination. Unexpectedly, HPV-16 and HPV-18 were, respectively, only the third and sixth most represented genotypes in anal HPV infections among study MSM. Previous studies reported quite different distributions, with HPV-16 the predominant genotype detected in anal and oral samples from HIV-uninfected MSM [17, 34]. Furthermore, the predominance of HR-HPV type 33 in both anal and oral sites of asymptomatic HIV-uninfected MSM has not been previously reported, to our knowledge and may indicate possible regional clusterization in the spreading of particular HR-HPV genotypes within the French MSM community [7].

Our study has some limitations. Because the presence of HPV was assessed using a single anal sample and a single oral sample both taken 12 months after the start of PrEP, HPV carriage in anal or oral samples could reflect transient infections, persistent infections, or even HPV DNA deposition from a recent sexual partner, as previously demonstrated [39]. Therefore, the results of HPV DNA carriage could theoretically correspond to several situations, although the most plausible is probably an effective mucosal infection by HPV. In addition, HPV DNA carriage could reflect either high-risk sexual behavior before the start of PrEP (leading to the request for PrEP) or high-risk sexual behavior beginning with the use of PrEP. These considerations argue for more nuanced interpretation of study results. On the other hand, the lack of baseline data makes it impossible to precisely assess the causality link between anal HPV infection or bacterial STIs, and the possibility of residual confounding in the analyses. Finally, the limited sample size in our study population and the high prevalence of anal HPV DNA detected in these MSM limit the power to detect risk factors.

R. S. M. B. is a PhD student from the Ecole Doctorale en Infectiologie Tropicale, Franceville, Gabon, benefiting from a scholarship of the Gabonese Government and from the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Author contributions. R. S. M. B., L. B., A. G., L. H., and T. P. conceived and designed the research; A. G. and T. P. attended to the ethical issues; C. G., A. M., A. G., L. H., and T. P. received and included the study participants and carried out the sampling; R. S. M. B., M. M., and J. P. carried out the experiments; R. S. M. B., S. T. W., and D. V. performed statistical analyses; R. S. M. B., H. P., and S. T. W. analyzed the results; R. S. M. B., L. B., and T. P. drafted the manuscript.

Frot or frotting (slang for frottage; from French frotter 'to rub') is a non-penetrative form of male-to-male sexual activity that usually involves direct penis-to-penis contact.[1] The term was popularized by gay men activists who disparaged the practice of anal sex,[1][2] but has since evolved to encompass a variety of preferences for the act, which may or may not imply particular attitudes towards other sexual activities.

Some gay men, or men who have sex with men (MSM) in general, prefer to engage in frot or other forms of mutual masturbation because they find it more pleasurable or more affectionate than anal sex, to preserve technical virginity, or as safe sex alternatives to anal penetration.[1][10][11][12] This preference has led to some debate in the gay male and MSM community regarding what constitutes "real sex" or the most sensual expression of sexual intimacy. Some frot advocates consider "two genitals coming together by mingling, caressing, sliding" and rubbing to be sex more than other forms of male sexual activity.[2][13] Other men who have sex with men associate male masculinity with the sexual positions of "tops" and "bottoms" during anal sex.[14]

During anal sex, the insertive partner may be referred to as the top or active partner. The one being penetrated may be referred to as the bottom or passive partner. Those with no strong preference for either are referred to as versatile.[12][15] Some frot advocates insist that such roles introduce inequality during sexual intimacy, and that frot is "equal" because of mutual genital-genital stimulation. The lack of mutual genital stimulation and role asymmetry has led other frot advocates to denounce anal sex as degrading to the receptive partner.[1][2][13] This view of dominance and inequality associated with sex roles is disputed by researchers who state that it is not clear that specific sexual acts are necessarily indicative of general patterns of masculinity or dominance in a gay male relationship, and that, for both partners, anal intercourse can be associated with being masculine.[14] Additionally, some frot advocates, such as Bill Weintraub, are concerned with diseases that may be acquired through anal sex.[2][16] In a 2005 article in The Advocate, one anal sex opponent said that no longer showing anal sex as erotic would help avoid HIV/AIDS, and opined that some gay men perceived him to be antigay when he was only trying to keep gay and bisexual men alive and healthy.[1]

HuffPost contributor and sexologist Joe Kort proposed the term side for gay men who are not interested in anal sex and instead prefer "to kiss, hug and engage in oral sex, rimming, mutual masturbation and rubbing up and down on each other", viewing "sides" as simply another gay male sexual preference akin to being a top, bottom or versatile, and adding that "Whether a man enjoys anal sex or not is no reflection on his sexual orientation, and if he's gay, it doesn't define whether or not he's 'really' having sex."[19]

Sexually active people can get syphilis through vaginal, anal, or oral sex without a condom with a partner who has syphilis. If you are sexually active, have an honest and open talk with your healthcare provider. Ask them if you should get tested for syphilis or other STDs.

Framboise was an attractive French woman who greatly enjoys anal sex. She was the former human resources director for ODIN as well as Barry Dylan's supposed ex-fiancé, until Archer slept with her and Barry in a jealous fit, had her fired. Her voice is provided by Judy Greer (who also voiced Cheryl Tunt).

While Sterling Archer was temporarily employed at ODIN, Len Trexler suggested Framboise and Archer have sex in Archer's new office, to help Archer feel welcome. However, Archer is unable to perform sexually because he is disturbed by sexual acts with "family", the figurative label given to coworkers at ODIN. He is able to get aroused when Framboise suggests anal, but Barry Dylan catches them in the act. Barry is shot in the arm by Archer; afterwards, after revealing to Trexler that he and Framboise were "engaged to be engaged", Barry terminates Framboise's employment. 041b061a72


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