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Avid Xpress Pro HD V5.0 Setup Free BEST

You should create a case on the MyAvid support portal and someone will get to you asap. (Support for license problems is free.) -contact If you don't get anywhere with them, send an email to Chris Bové ( and Raff Condalor ( They are Avid's customer advocates, and can help you.

Avid Xpress Pro HD v5.0 setup free

I have a Sony Handycam DCRHC 85 DV camera connected to a firewire port on my computer. I am having problems getting my Avid Express Pro v5.0 to detect it. Windows Movie Maker sees it without any problems. I have tried configuring my devices and decks but without any success. Any ideas?

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Just download the latest version and replace your previous version. It is always recommended to run extensive tests with your specific workflow and setup before putting a new version in production. You can use a free demo version for that on a separate computer. Previous legacy versions are available from the general downloads page. You do not need to deactivate and reactivate your serial number when updating your Softron software. Read the following article to know when to deactivate. This software uses code of FFmpeg, licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here.


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